Fantasy Art & Illustration by Sarah Wright

Conventions & Events

(Milwaukee, Wi)
Feb 20 - 23
Golden State Furcon
(Los Angeles, Ca)
Mar 28-30
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
Jul 3-6


Personal Work

Commissioned Illustrations

Sketches & Badge Portraits

Personal-Use Commissions

Badge Portraits

+$25 Paper Badge Printing
+$50 Magnetic Hard Badge Printing

A portrait "Sketch" of a character, polished to be readable and aesthetically appealing. The lines may be present in the final piece and not fully rendered out. These may feature dynamic lighting and include a nameplate and some framing elements to help support the character and tone of the portrait.

Commission Inquiry Form


Personal-Use Commissions

Terms of Service

The Terms of Service herein are agreed upon by the COMMISSIONING PARTY and
THE ARTIST prior to the initiating of the requested COMMISSIONED WORK(S) from
Any individual and/or group requesting COMMISSIONED WORK(S)
herein are referred to as the “COMMISSIONING PARTY” and Sarah Wright and all
associated titles and usernames are hereby referred to as “THE ARTIST” throughout
the course of the commission and for the life of the COMMISSIONED WORK(S).
COMMISSIONED WORK(S) will be defined as any requested, agreed upon, and
accepted creative work done by THE ARTIST for the COMMISSIONING PARTY and
includes sketches, renderings, illustrations, 3d models, drawings, designs, and all other
services provided by THE ARTIST.
The COMMISSIONING PARTY and THE ARTIST are bound by the terms outlined

Convention Portfolio

Whimsical Fantasy & Creature Art

At the heart of my artwork is a deep love and appreciation for Narrative and Fantasy. My work features magical creatures, dragons, and fun fantasy-themed designs.My body of work consists predominantly of digital illustrations and designs used in the making of many different items. My process seeks to create immersion and connection by designing items that tell a story. Whether through detailed illustration or by designing imagery that takes advantage of a medium's unique features, this penchant for experimentation and detail brings many new things to the table every year.
